]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]         THREE PI CURIOS         [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
              Kindly uploaded by Freeman 10602PANC       (1/6/89)

1) An easy  way to remember, to  within a half  of a percent, the
number of seconds in a year, is to recall that

   [pi] seconds is a nanocentury.

                         Tom Duff
                         Bell Labs

Source: Jon Bentley, More Programming Pearls (Reading, Mass.:
          Addison-Wesley, 1988), p. 57.

2) A  good fractional  approximation to  pi is  355/113.  This is
easily remembered if you note that the digits can be arranged:
that is, the odd digits repeated.

3) Numerologists would be interested in this tidbit:

              Average Gestation Period and n * pi.
 n | n * pi  | Average gestation |    No. of   |     Animal
   |         |   period (days)   | Pregnancies |
10 |  31.416 |    31.41          |      64     | English Rabbit
36 | 113.097 |   113.1 +/- 0.12  |     203     | Pig
48 | 150.796 |   150.8 +/- 0.13  |     195     | Karakul Sheep
   |         |   150.8 =/- 0.19  |     391     | Black Forest
   |         |                   |             |   Goat
49 | 153.038 |   154             |      ?      | Saanen Goat
92 | 289.026 |   288.9           |     428     | Simmental Cow
Source: Michael Ployani, The Logic of Liberty (1951; reprint ed.,
Chicago: University of Chicago  Press, Midway Reprints, 1980), p.
17, reproducing a table in Nature, Vol. 146 (1940), p. 620.

                   *       *       *

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